Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Flowers And Algernon : Discussion Questions

For the discussion questions , I will do question 3 and 5.

Question 3) What makes an ideal person or the ideal life?

For this question,I think that happiness makes an ideal person or the ideal life.When we are happy,we are optimistic about the future.When we are happy,we tend to be aware of our surroundings,causing us to be more cautious and more careful.Since we all know that intelligence does not mean happiness,thus intelligence will not only not allow us to be optimistic about our future,but it will also cause us to be very solemn,probably causing us to not have an ideal life that we wanted to have.Usually,when we are an ideal person,we have almost all of the things that we had wanted or dreamt of having,thus we will be joyous and lead an ideal life.I think that the two,an ideal person and the ideal life,are interlinked and when you possess either one of them ,you will also in a short while possess the other of the two.I think that to have an ideal person ar the ideal life,you need to be easily contented with what you possess now and not take it for granted and thus we sholud always try to work hard and for the things that we wish to have because we cannot always have the things that we want.An example is money,if you want a million dollars that is not impossible,but you must work hard enough such that you think that you deserve it,and then you will have it.Also we must always be on the lookout for passing opportunities that we are able to reach out for.

Question 5) Should science be used to artificially improve someone's intelligance or external appearance?

For this question,I disagree that science should be used to artificially improve intelligence or external appearance because now in the present,there are a lot of kinds of plastic surgery being invented in the world.Every second,scientists are finding out new ways of creating different kinds of surgeries but I hope that this action will be frowned upon in the future.It is because I feel that our appearances are special and it is what we are born with.Even if someone's intelligence is increased or the external appearance has changed,you will still be who you are and that cannot be changed.I think that changing the mental intelligence or external appearance is a way in which science is being abused.I also think that although our mental capacity or intelligence has increased,it will also be only temporary and some of them will probably have nasty side effects such as losing your intelligence even more.Science has been invented for our good but I think that this abuse of science has gone overboard.Science has been invented to help us in our lives such as the invention of light bulbs,laptops and much more but have you given a thought about the side effects on these abuses such as the increasing in intelligence and the change in external appearance.I hiope that this abuse of science will be frowned upon in the future and hope that scientists will stop the abuse on science.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog post on the discussion questions for Flowers Of Algernon.


  1. Heya Sean! Thumbs up for your prompt posts. I think you have put in effort into thinking and reflecting on the questions! You raise very pertinent points as well - Contentment does make the ideal person/life doesn't it? Then everyone would think their life is ideal no matter how much they have/how good they look. Is contentment very hard to put into practise? What do you think?
    Anyway, just a note: the 'Madam' in the 'Taximan' story actually can be inferred to have enjoyed the conversation. why else would she ask the driver to fetch her again after her meeting?
    Also, another way to improve on this blog(which you really should be doing already) is to reflect more on events/current affairs.
    Really hope to see more insightful and reflective posts from you!Keep up the good work (:
    -Miss Lim

  2. Hi Sean! Just want to say some stuff. You said that an ideal person should have happiness, but I think that there should be a precondition for happiness to take place, like money, or intelligence. You can only be happy of you have something you like, or you really enjoy life. And, is it really wrong of scientists to improve a person's external appearance? True that a person's appearance is a unique trait of his or hers right from birth, but some feel that improvement of appearance is simply correcting a flaw. Some may even feel that making one's appearance better can even boost his or her confidence, and thus the advantages are more than just a pretty face. What do you think?

  3. To Elvis:

    Yes ,although I agree that an ideal person should have happiness, intelligence can also cause us to be happy . This is so when you help someone in their studies or help them to solve problems. Alsoalthough I agree with you that "some feel that improvement of appearance is simply correcting a flaw." but don't you think that the appearance that we are born with is unique and specialand that when we change it, we would be one of those who are not that specialand we would be of the same appearance as others.

    Thank You!
